PowerCalculator isn’t ordinary scientific calculator. It solves compound mathematical expressions in COMPLEX domain as (not so)many others. But what makes this calculator unique for mobile devices (and most regular ones) is that it can crunch matrices of complex numbers, plot two mathematical functions, display numerical data from graph and do arithmetics in various numeral bases. If you study any form of technical science or anything else that deals with mathematics, this is what you need!
Comp mode
In comp(utaional) mode you can use everyday functions as adding, subtracting,multiplying, trigonometry, logarithms, graph plotting and all of those over the complex set of numbers. While in comp mode you can also access about and info pages that contain information about the program version and brief instructions. In comp mode you can enter any mathematically valid expression and calculate it. In picture on the right you can see such expression. In left picture, there is an example with complex expression, where we are using “j” as imaginary unit.
This is the most basic usage of the calculator. But let’s say few words about additional abilities in comp mode:
Buttons < and > are used to move cursor through the input line in order to edit the expression without the need for rewriting entirely.
x is used as a variable in graph plotting. Graphing will be discussed soon.
Button f(x) can be toggled into g(x). By toggling f(x) or g(x) you are telling the program to which function should he transfer the expression when Graph button is clicked. That way you can do this for instance: toggle to f(x), enter sin(x), press Graph and you will transfer thesin(x) to f(x). While in graph mode press Back to return to comp mode. There, toggle f(x) tog(x), enter cos(x), press Graph again and transfer that cosine to g(x). Now you have two functions in graph mode, pressing the (re)Start button will plot them as given in next picture.
Pressing x^y button will generatepow( expression. We have found it more convenient to use powering this way than using ^ sign. So if you would like to power 2 to the fifth (2^5) you have to write:pow(2,5), so first number is the base and second is the exponent. This function can also be used for compound expressions such as shown on the right.
The ? button generates PI which stands for 3.141592…
With RAD/DEG button you can toggle the input of trigonometric and output of area functions, whether you want it to be in radians or degrees. Note that graph plotter also uses this definition for its calculations.
Using the 2nd button you can access aditional functions such as area, factorials and combinations. Pressing 2nd also gives << and >> buttons that are used to obtain previously entered expressions, up to last five of them.
You can use factorials and combinations in the way given here:
ans stores the last calculated value. You can use it anywhere in expression.
Graph mode
We have already stated how to transfer functions from comp to graph mode. If you want to modify one of the functions you can do that in comp mode, but you must return to graph mode with that function toggled on f(x)/g(x) button.
For this example, i will use 2sin(2x) as f(x) (red line by the way) and 1/(x+1) as g(x) (blue line). Starting graph can be seen in left picture. Pressing (re)Start button will always redraw the graph on starting dimensions. You can see the labels near the end of both axis, those show the end values of the related graph side. So, the left label shows that minimum value on x-axis currently is -5, and right label shows that maximum is 5, same goes for y-axis. Those values will change as you move through graph. Using +- buttons you can move in the related direction through graph, and using ZOOM+ and ZOOM- buttons you can get closer or further from desired point. Using those buttons can get you anywhere in graph you want.
Naturally, you ask why there isn’t kinetic scroll, but if you try to move your finger over the plotting area, you will see the reason for that. Moving your finger over the graph will read the current coordinates in graph. Using this mixed with the navigating buttons can get you any coordinate from graph you desire. See in right image how you can easily read the intersection of two functions. You can also edit your functions directly in graph mode using generic keyboard, just tap on the function line.
Matrix mode
In this mode of operations, you can calculate with matrices of complex numbers. Calculator supports dimensions of up to 10×10, but on mobile devices, matrices with those dimensions are not so clear to read. You are given two matrices to work with, A and B, where all the unary operations are performed on matrix A. You need to input matrices in matlab style. Numbers in same row are distinguished by commas, and rows themselves are separated by semicolons. Note that you shouldn’t put the last semicolon or additional row will be defined.
After you have entered a valid expression, press A or B to input the expression into respected matrix. When you have entered first matrix, you can enter second matrix or perform operations. See on the right how to enter a valid 3×3 matrix.
Note that you can recall matrices A, B or the lastly calculated one (ANS) into input line for editing or redefinition by using the respected rcl* buttons on the bottom. If you click on A or Bbuttons when input line is empty you will get matrices and you can review them. Clicking on other buttons will perform operations that are described on them.
When entering complex values in matrices (1+j for example) you MUST first enter real part and then imaginary or the parser will misinterpret the expression.
Base mode
In this mode you can convert numbers between 4 most used numeral bases and do simple arithmetic in them. Supported bases are: Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Here you can see an example of addition in hexadecimal base.
In this mode, direct editing of input line is not possible. If you only want to convert numbers between bases, you have to “bring” the number into result line with = button. So, enter a number, press = and then choose which base you want to convert the number to.
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