

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Qt v4.7.3 + Qt Mobility v1.1.2 + QtWebKit - Full Version Qt App Download

The new features available in this tool include:

- Qt 4.7.3 (for Symbian, desktop, and simulator) and Qt Mobility 1.1.2 APIs.
- Qt Quick and Qt Creator 2.1 to provide a complete solution for UI development.
- Tools for Symbian, Maemo, and desktop apps, including the use of native APIs.
- Device binaries to enable apps created with the SDK to be run on Symbian devices.
- Qt Assistant has been added as a separate package (the result of developer requests).
- The installer can use system proxy on Linux.
- Notification API is now marked as stable and has been moved to "Additional APIs".
- Several fixes have been made in the Qt Simulator and the installation/updating workflow.

Click below to download

Qt v4.7.3 Qt Mobility v1.1.2 QtWebKit v4.0.8 S^3 (nokiavnn.com).rar 


  1. Hello Sir!
    Iamhaving Nokia C6-01 with the latest update of symbian Anna and its latest update of 1/2 & 2/2.
    But i m very unknown to this QT thing.
    Wt should i do?
    Shoould i download this latest QT files to my up to date phone?
    And at one other site, they have the latest QT files.
    Diff in urs and their's files is QTWebkit, u have v4.0.8 while they have v4.7.3.
    So pls help me!

  2. did the qt 4.08 for symbian^3 is out or not if yes then please add the link to download it my nokia c6-01 wants qt 4.08 or newer version

  3. http://www.nokiavnn.com/2011/10/qt-v474-qt-mobility-v12-qt-webkit-v408.html
